We are a lively and active group that abides by the principles of any u3a:
- To bring together those no longer in full-time employment, to share skills and learn new ones
- To create a social environment where everyone is welcome
- To have a bit of fun in our so-called 'third age' of life!
Life after retirement should be enjoyable, with time to relax in the company of like-minded people, explore new interests and continue to learn new things. Doing so can be fun, often creating laughter, smiles and many new friends. Interested? It's easy to join us (see our Membership page), or you can come along at any time to one of the General meetings to see what we do and have a chat with people.
General Meetings
We hold monthly general meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at Wem Town Hall, where all are welcome. The meeting room will be open at 10.00am for a 10.30am start (so plenty of time to talk with others!) and we usually have various updates about our u3a, followed by a guest speaker. There are generally no monthly meetings in January (New Year break) and August (holiday period).
Forthcoming events
5th November 2024
Talk by Kate McLanaghan
Venue: Wem Town Hall
3rd December 2024
Quiz by Paul & Sue Young.
Venue: Wem Town Hall
A summary of all future General meetings can be found here.
Interest Groups
We have over 25 groups in our u3a, ranging from very small to over 30+ people, and there's lots of different areas to choose from. You can find out more by looking at our Groups page or by asking either one of our committee members, or a group leader, for extra information at a General meeting.
Trips and Outings
We occasionally arrange outings, open to all our members, to places of interest. These trips are often very popular and, if you wish to go, they will need to be booked and paid for in advance; refunds cannot generally be given, although it is possible for another person to go in your place.
Trip to Palace of Westminster
Our trip in April was a guided tour of the Palace of Westminster, an eventful day as we had unfortunately chosen the day that several horses had bolted through Central […]
Keeping in touch - as a member of Wem & District u3a, we will send you our quarterly newsletter by email and, if you have subscribed to the national magazine, you will also receive the Third Age Matters by post five times a year.
All photos on this website were, as far as we are aware, taken with full permissions of the people concerned or were in a public place. Please direct any queries to the Webmaster.